This is the large, 550-point version of the Colossal Cave Adventure.
Colossal Cave Adventure is a classic — practically the first of the text-adventure genre. The interface is not very “Mac-like” but don’t let that stop you! This is an excellent adventure and also a taste of history.
Adventure will work on all Macs running System 4.1 or greater including System 7.0.
This version of adventure is fully congruent with the current Unix version, but it does have some added functionality:
• The ‘File’ Menu:
Will bring forth a standard Mac file dialog allowing you to save your current game under whatever name you wish.
Brings up dialog and allows you to restore a previously saved game.
Turn Scripting On
Selecting this command will cause all successive output to be directed to the current Chooser-selected printer. Select this command again to turn scripting off.
Exit program. Same as typing ‘quit’ at a game prompt.
• The ‘Edit’ Menu:
All of the choices in the edit menu function normally. See you Macintosh User’s Manual for information.
• The ‘Command’ Menu:
The choices in this menu are equivalents for a coresponding typed command. For example, selecting Look is the same as typing it. Use the command keys for extra efficiency.
• The ‘Movement’ Menu:
These commands are most useful when used in conjunction with a numeric keypad. Don’t forget to press the command key!
• Other Information:
Sometimes a description will be longer than can fit in the window. When this happens the output will stop and [more] will be printed at the bottom of the window. Press space, return, or enter to continue.
Finally, please read the NOTICE file - it contains all the copying and distribution information in detail. In a nutshell this program is FREE but copyrighted. Be wary of other versions that ask for money (a 350-point version written in MS-BASIC comes to mind). According to the copyright info in the NOTICE file charging money for Adventure is AGAINST THE LAW.
There is also a lot more information contained within the game, so check it out and enjoy!